Getting the right personnel when needed could pose a challenge to a company. Staff could leave an organization at any time for one reason or the other and the need to quickly replace such staff could be very urgent so as to ensure the smooth running of the operations of the company. As part of our services, we help recruit Accounts & Finance Personnel of different levels for our clients when the needs arise. We respond with speed so that the operations of our client will not be stalled by the reason of vacuum created by the exit of particular staff.
We maintain a robust database containing the CVs of jobseekers of different cadres that we have trained and have proven themselves proficient in the use of accounting packages.
As part of our services, we provide in-house training for companies that want to enhance the skills of their staff, especially in the area of finance, accounting, and auditing. We render hands-on training for staff on the use of accounting software such as Sage and QuickBooks and guide them on how to maximize the resources that are made available in such packages.